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Required Immunizations

Every Virginia Tech student must meet state immunization requirements for admission (and continuation) as a student at Virginia Tech. This information must be documented on the Immunization History Form (PDF), which includes the Tuberculosis Screening Form that must additionally be completed online in the Healthy Hokies Portal. Students must enter and upload their Immunization History under the Forms and Requirements section in the portal. If you have already sent Schiffert Health Center your immunization history form, you may submit proof of immunization status separately. Letters or copies of your immunization records are acceptable as long as they are signed by your healthcare provider.

In order to avoid confusion regarding acceptable vs. non-acceptable criteria for immunization status, we recommend that you print the Immunization History Form and give it to your health care provider(s) to fill out and sign.

Religious exemption

If the administration of immunizing agents is against your religious tenets or practices, you can fill out the Immunization Religious Exemption Form (PDF | 108KB). Filing for religious exemption means that you understand, that in the case of an outbreak, potential epidemic, or epidemic of a vaccine-preventable disease at Virginia Tech, the state health commissioner may order your exclusion from the university for your own protection until the danger has passed.

Medical exemption

If the administration of immunizing agents conflicts with your medical tenets or practices, you can fill out the Immunization Medical Exemption Form (PDF | 116KB). Filing for medical exemption means that you understand, that in the case of an outbreak, potential epidemic or epidemic of a vaccine-preventable disease at Virginia Tech, the state health commissioner may order your exclusion from the university for your own protection until the danger has passed.

MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)

  • Two doses of vaccine given one month apart with the first on or after 12 months of age. Both doses must be dated 1968 or later OR
  • Physician documented proof of disease OR
  • Laboratory proof of immunity OR
  • Born before 1957

Measles (Rubeola)

One of the following:

  • Two doses of vaccine given one month apart with the first on or after 12 months of age. The first dose be dated 1968 or later OR
  • Physician documented proof of disease OR
  • Laboratory proof of immunity OR
  • Born before 1957


One of the following:

  • Two doses of vaccine given one month apart with the first on or after 12 months of age. The first dose be dated 1968 or later. OR
  • Physician documented proof of disease OR
  • Laboratory proof of immunity OR
  • Born before 1957
  • Additional information: Mumps

German Measles (Rubella)

One of the following:

  • One vaccine with date on or after 12 months of age. Must be dated 1968 or later. OR
  • Laboratory proof of immunity.
  • Born before 1957
  • Proof of disease is not acceptable for rubella!


A booster dose within the 10 years prior to arrival at Virginia Tech

Tuberculosis Test (PPD or QuantiFERON tb Gold)

Entering students must complete and submit the Tuberculosis Risk Assessment Form included with the Immunization History Form (PDF | 307KB). If any item in one or more of the sections on the Risk Assessment is true, the student must provide documentation of a Tuberculosis Test performed on or after March 1 (fall entry) and on or after July 1 (spring entry). This is regardless of prior BCG vaccination. If the test is positive, a chest X-ray will be required as well as documentation of whether or not treatment with INH (isoniazid) for at least six months has been received. Students coming to Virginia Tech from countries other than the United States who are required to have a Tuberculosis Test must have the test done before starting classes.

Meningococcal Vaccine

All entering students must be immunized against meningococcal disease. Students may request an exemption in the Healthy Hokies Portal. Signing the exemption indicates that they have received information on the risks of meningococcal disease, and the availability of an effective vaccine, and choose not to be vaccinated.

Hepatitis B

A completed series of three doses must be completed. Students may request an exemption in the Healthy Hokies Portal.


Completed primary series is required with the last dose at 4 years of age or older.

For questions about vaccinations, you can email

For immunizations not available at Schiffert Health Center, call for an appointment with the Montgomery County Health Department at 540-585-3300